Real Food. Martin Parr
Real Food. Martin Parr
19.95 €
A fun collection of Martin Parr's food pictures, which documents the simple notion that 'we are what we eat'.
Real Food celebrates all things food through the eyes of the renowned British photographer Martin Parr - a kaleidoscope of foods the world over, from hot dogs to sticky buns and langoustine to lemon meringue pie.
Featuring photographs taken throughout Martin Parr's prolific career to-date, Real Food will comprise the very best of Parr's iconic imagery - a collection of close-up food shots, in typical garish colour, taken by Parr throughout his travels across the world.
Introduced with an essay by Fergus Henderson, British chef and founder of the restaurant St John's in London, which considers Parr's photographs in the context of global cuisine, and Parr's fascination with the social aspect of food that is at the heart of these photographs.
- Format: Hardback
- Size: 150 × 210 mm (5 7/8 × 8 1/4 in)
- Pages: 208 pp
- Illustrations: 250 illustrations
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