Cooking With Scorsese - The Cookbook
Cooking With Scorsese - The Cookbook
55.95 €
Cooking with Scorsese & Others presents; The Cookbook.
A collection of recipes including savoury, sweet and drinks created by 46 internationally acclaimed chefs in response to filmic moments that bring them culinary joy. Its pages are illustrated with screenshots from the films that inspired each recipe, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the moments that captured each chefs response.
From Wong Kar-wai’s intoxicating scenes in 'In the Mood for Love' to Wes Anderson’s delicate pastries in 'The Grand Budapest Hotel', restaurants and chefs have embedded the gestures, imagined aromas, flavours and memories from these scenes into their menus.
Cooking with Scorsese is now a series of books and clothing, morphed into film nights and occasional supper club. Over the years, it has taught us about the circularity of food and film and how each medium has in turn fed into each other.
Published by: Hato Press
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 208
Dimensions: 280 x 225mm
Orientation: Landscape
Explore the project and book further here
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