Blank Forms Vol.7 -The Cowboy’s Dreams of Home
Blank Forms Vol.7 -The Cowboy’s Dreams of Home
19.00 €
10.00 €
The Cowboy’s Dreams of Home, the seventh Blank Forms anthology, takes its name from a psychedelic Wild West reverie of Texan singer-songwriter and visual artist Terry Allen. This volume privileges new texts including a retrospective interview with Allen conducted by ICA Philadelphia chief curator Anthony Elms; a conversation between multidisciplinary writers—and longtime friends—Thulani Davis and Jessica Hagedorn on the occasion of Davis’s latest poetry collection, Nothing But The Music, recently published by Blank Forms Editions; a recent discussion between composer Sarah Hennies and cellist Judith Hamann about their recent collaboration, which is included on Hamann’s Music for Cello and Humming, released by Blank Forms Editions last fall; and a conversation with composer-performers Tashi Wada and Charles Curtis on the heels of a recent compilation of Curtis’s work, Performances & Recordings 1998–2018, produced by Wada. Each of these interviews sheds light on the particularities of the artists’ careers and methods in terms both formal and casual, practical and theoretical.
202 pages
20 × 15 cm
Blank Forms is a nonprofit organization supporting emerging and historically significant artists who produce work across disciplines, often rooted in traditions of experimental and creative music. We aim to establish new frameworks to preserve, nurture, and present these artists’ work and to build platforms for practices underrepresented in art’s commercial, institutional, and historical fields. Blank Forms collaborates with artists on commissions, exhibitions, publications as well as archival and estate projects within contemporary cultural ecosystems and in perpetuity. In presenting and documenting this work, Blank Forms seeks to foster an artistic community founded upon engaged and equitable conversations across continents, media, and generations.
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