Luke Pearson , in the latest installment of Hilda, moves the girl to the city of Trölberg, where her mother's fears for the dangers of the city do not allow her to go out alone to investigate and discover mysteries as she did in the fjords.
Her mother, after learning that there will be a spectacular parade, proposes to Hilda that they go together. To the girl's surprise, her mother will also let her go out with her new friends until shortly before the parade. Back on the street, she realizes that she doesn't feel comfortable with the behavior of the children: they end up throwing stones at a tree with birds and they flee in terror, leaving Hilda alone.
A crow falls wounded to the ground and the girl runs to its aid. Hilda's surprise is huge when she finds out that the bird not only speaks, but also has lost its memory and doesn't remember who it is. With the raven's help, Hilda finds her way back home to meet her mother. Then you will see that the city also has its little mysterious creatures.
Little by little, the bird is recovering its memory and lets see that it has a mission to accomplish. The true story of this mysterious bird will be revealed at the bird parade, the place where Hilda will learn the importance that her new friend has for the inhabitants of Trölberg.
44 pages.
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