Fitópolis - The living city
Fitópolis - The living city
In just a few decades, humanity has experienced a revolution in its ancestral habits. Without us realizing it, our species has gone from inhabiting every corner of the Earth, immersed in nature, to living in a truly tiny part of the planet's emerged lands: the city. A revolution only comparable to the transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers that occurred 12,000 years ago. It is true that in terms of access to resources, efficiency, defense and dissemination of species this transformation is advantageous. But it also exposes us to terrible risk. Our urban success requires, in fact, a continuous and exponentially increasing flow of resources and energy, which however are not unlimited. Furthermore, global warming can definitively change the environment of our cities and constitute precisely that fatal mutation of the conditions on which our survival depends. That is why it has become vital to return nature to our habitat. The cities of the future, whether built from scratch or renovated, must be transformed into phytopolises, places where the relationship between plants and animals approaches the harmonious relationship we find in nature. There is nothing of greater importance than this for the future of humanity.
168 pages
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