Journal de Lin #1
Journal de Lin #1
30.00 €
Sali e Tabacchi Journal is a publication which explores the relationship between the creative arts and Italy 's unknown rituals, habits and traditions. The magazine was founded by journalist and content creator Elisa Carassai and art director and graphic designer Leonardo Pellegrino. Issue 00 is dedicated to the theme of Sensazioni Familiari / Familiar Sensations, and it is a reflections upon origins, family, home towns, rituals and traditions, deja vu and nostalgic moments of happiness. What have you changed? What has n't ? But most importantly, who are the unknown creative minds who made Italy great in the past and the people who are now trying to make a difference?
That genius and madness go hand in hand is no mystery to anyone. Since time immemorial, the most creative and brilliant minds have been associated with mental illness. The notion that genius is only thinly separated from insanity goes back at least to ancient Greece. Aristotle linked the two when he said, “There is no great genius without a touch of madness.” From the mysterious and exclusive world of academia to philosophy, sociology, myths and legends, we seek to uncover unknown stories, rituals and traditions and speak to the individuals who are nowadays, like us, questioning the fine line between the two.
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